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Physiodermie Anti Redness Micro Gel (Acne Rosacea) 1.7 oz

Physiodermie Anti Redness Micro Gel (Acne Rosacea) 1.7 oz

Regular price $62.90 USD
Regular price Sale price $62.90 USD
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Specific moisturizer for sensitive skin with redness soothing, reducing redness and discomfort feeling.Intensive soothing and calming care for redness and skin sensitivity. Its freshening effect helps to relieve the feeling of tension and discomfort associated with acne, rosacea and sensitive skin conditions.Cleanse the skin with Shower Hydrating Milk SL and follow with Stabilizing Lotion.Apply a small quantity of the Anti-Redness Micro-Gel on the face and neck and massage very gently for total penetration. Twice daily, morning and night.
You may apply the Anti-Redness Micro-Gel alone or use prior to a choice of the following Bioaromes determined by the skin condition:
Oily skin: Oily Skin Bioaromes (RS);
Telangiectasias: Anti-Redness Bioaromes (FL) or Normalizing Bioaromes (HY).Finally, use Anti-Redness Micro-Gel on top.Exclusive PCbG balancing Complex.Plant extract complex: Butcher Broom, Hawthorn, Sweet clover.
DSS complex.Vitamin B derivate. Phospholipidic complex.Dermo purifying complex.Agent with an immediate unifying effect on the complexion.

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